The form of the propagator is simple - in momentum space it is simply the inverse of the term coupling your two bosons, as you pointed out:
$$G \propto f(p^2)^{-1}$$
provided the $f(p^2)$ is indeed invertible.
To get the Lorentz indices right is not as trivial. As I understand it, if these are vector bosons, the more correct form would be to write
$$\mathcal{L} = P_T^{\mu\nu} f(p^2) W_\mu W_\nu$$
where $P_T$ is a transverse projection operator, $P_T^{\mu\nu}f(p^2) \sim \left\langle J^\mu_a J^\nu_a \right\rangle \sim (p^2 \eta^{\mu\nu} - p^\mu p^\nu)f(p^2)$.
Then the propagator will be
$$G_{\mu\nu} = (P_T)_{\mu\nu} f(p^2)^{-1}$$
since $P^{\mu\nu}_T (P_T)_{\mu\nu} = 1$.