I have been trying hard to understand how Artificial Gravity is produced by Rotating a satellite around its own axis.
Thus far, I have understood (probably wrong) that as a satellite is spun, walls of satellite provide centripetal force to occupants and it acts as a normal reaction. However it is yet not clear to me with any site or book that with what acceleration it should spin. Of course whatever the centripetal acceleration is, it would provide a normal force to occupants (maybe little but it will) but I think since satellite is in free fall, occupants are accelerating at the same rate as satellite and therefore, in order to provide a normal reaction to the occupants the satellite ought to spin with same acceleration as it is orbiting with around the Earth (definitely not $g$).
I am still confused whether I am right or wrong because I have read on this site that satellite should spin with acceleration equals $g$ so that a normal force is provided to occupants as is it on Earth.