I have studied for a couple of months now a mathematical model of the energy of a configuration of immiscible fluids situated in a fixed container such that the fluids fill the container. In other terms, I considered a partition of the container into $2,3,...n$ sets. I will present the $3$ fluid case here.
So, in my hypothesis the container $\Omega$ is partitioned in $S_1,S_2,S_3$, the three fluids, with prescribed volumes $v_i$ and prescribed densities $\rho_i$. I took into account in the formulation of the energy the interfacial tensions, the gravity, and the contact of the fluids with the container $\Omega$ (these are not my ideas; they are taken from other similar mathematical articles). I will denote $P_\Omega(S)$ the perimeter of $S$ situated in the interior of $\Omega$ and $P_{\partial \Omega}(S)$ the perimeter of $S$ which is situated on the boundary of $\Omega$. I will not be very rigorous in what I'm about to write: I will write, for example $P_\Omega(S_i\cap S_j)$ the perimeter of the intersection $S_i\cap S_j$ even if as set theory intersection, this is void. Still, I think that the idea will be clear.
So, the formula for the energy of the configuration, which I found in other articles too is:
$$\mathcal{F}(S_1,S_2,S_3)= \sum_{1\leq i<j\leq 3}\sigma_{ij}P_\Omega(S_i \cap S_j)+\sum_{i=1}^3 \beta_i P_{\partial \Omega}(S_i)+\sum_{i=1}^3 g \rho_i\int_{S_i} z dV$$ where $\sigma_{ij}$ is the interfacial tension between $S_i$ and $S_j$ and $\beta_i$ is something I do not understand entirely, but it should take into account the effect of the walls of $\Omega$ (which in some cases, like thin tubes are not negligible). The last term is the potential gravitational energy (which was explained here).
My goal is that using this mathematical model of the phenomenon to prove the existence result of the minimal energy configuration, and to be able to obtain some numeric results, which will show how the final configuration looks like.
In the mathematical model, the inequalities $\sigma_{ij}+\sigma_{jk} > \sigma_{ik}$ are assumed. These assumptions seem physically reasonable, after reading the following article of J. Cahn
My confusion is about what the $\beta_i $ mean. In my intuition, $\beta_i$ should express that fluid $S_i$ 'likes' to be in contact with the wall or 'doesn't' like to be in contact with the wall. There are two things I have in mind for $\beta_i$.
- Can we consider $\beta_i$ the interfacial tension between the wall and the fluid $S_i$? In this case $\beta_i$ would be positive and very large, verifying the same triangle inequality conditions $|\beta_i-\beta_j| \leq \sigma_{ij}$. Given these inequalities, a proof can be given for the existence in the case of $3$ fluids (and probably for $n$ fluids; work in progress). Can we consider $\beta_i$ the interfacial tension between the wall and the fluid $S_i$? In this case $\beta_i$ would be positive and very large, verifying the same triangle inequality conditions $|\beta_i-\beta_j| \leq \sigma_{ij}$. Given these inequalities, a proof can be given for the existence in the case of $3$ fluids (and probably for $n$ fluids; work in progress). It seems reasonable that surface tensions between the wall and the fluids determine somehow the way the fluids interact with the wall: If the interfacial tension is very large, then the wall tries to reject the fluid and the equilibrium configuration will try to minimize the wall contact with such fluids, and maximize contact with fluids which have less interfacial tension. My confusion comes also from the fact that $\beta_i$ is not considered to be positive in the mathematical model; I'm not sure why is this. Maybe it is just a way of saying that "the mathematical model works even if $\beta_i$ are negative".
- $\beta_i$ could be the wetting coefficient, $\beta_i=\cos \theta$ (ref: Molecular theory of Capillarity, pag 9) where $\theta$ is the equilibrium contact angle.
My questions are:
- Is this mathematical model valid?
- Is the energy formula physically reasonable? If not, what changes should be made?
- What is the correct interpretation for $\beta_i$?
- Can we expect that the equilibrium configuration (which exists in experiments) must be a minimizer for the energy of the system?