Suppose we have a vector $\vec{v} $ and suppose we have two sets of basis vectors:
$\vec{v}=v^1\hat{e_1}+v^2\hat{e_2}+v^3\hat{e_3}$ where the superscripts are not exponents but indicate the nth component of the vector and the subscripts are the corresponding unit vectors.
In a different basis, we might have $\vec{v}=u^1\hat{\epsilon_1}+u^2\hat{\epsilon_2}+u^3\hat{\epsilon_3}$
$\vec{v}$ is the same object no matter what coordinate system its in. It is the same geometric object.
There is a process by which to take the components in the $v^\alpha$ coordinate system and derive the components in the $u^\nu$ coordinate system. This operation is linear in the $v$ coordinates and has a corresponding inverse transformation. The operation can be represented as a Matrix product with a vector made up of the coordinates.
There is a separate, but related, transformation rule for the basis vectors. It is essentially a matrix by a matrix multiplication as opposed to the previous matrix by vector multiplication. Further whereas the previous transformation mapped coordinates to coordinates, that is real numbers to real numbers, this transformation maps vectors to vectors. The objects to be transformed are different. Any vector, including the unit vector in one coordinate system, can be represented as a linear combination of the unit basis vectors of the other coordinate system.
Coordinates are not the vectors they represent. They have to multiply the associated unit vector to get the full vector.
Let paired up and down indices represent repeated multiplication:
An lets let latin scripts represent coordinates in one system and greek indices coordiantes in another, then the vector v has the representations:
To go from one coordinate system to another we can have $v^a=\Lambda_\mu^av^\mu$, where again repeated raised and lowered indices imply repeated summation and
$$\Lambda^a_\mu=\frac{\partial x^a}{\partial x^\mu}$$
Where $x^a$ is the $a_{th}$ coordinate of one coordinate system and the $x^\mu$ is the $\mu_{th}$ coordinate of the other.
Keep track of the latin vs. greek indices.
The transformation for basis vectors is $\Lambda^\mu_a$. The indices are flipped, but this isn't always the inverse of the transformation. It is the "opposite direction" from the coordinate transform procedure.
If an object transforms in the same way as basis vectors, its a Covariant vector also called a 1-form. If it transforms as coordinates, and therefore in the opposite direction as basis vectors, it's a Contravariant vector, or just a vector.
A 1-form can also be thought of geometrically as a series of infinitestimal planes placed parallel to each other at some interval. A vector of one length will in general pierce more of the planes if its parallel to the planes' normal than if it strikes the planes obliquely. We can associated the usual notion of an inner product with how many planes are pierced by a given vector.
In this formalism we don't say that you take two vectors to get an inner product. You take a vector and a one form to get an inner product.
If you have $a^i$ and $b^j$, $a^ib^j$ is not their inner product even if $i=j$ in a general coordinate system.Remember we need a raised and a lowered matching index to perform a sum. We only have an inner product with a specified Metric, $g_{ij}$ (though in Minkowski space the one in which all coordinates are 1 along the diagona, zero elsewhere accept the time/time cordiante which is -1. ).
$$\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b}=g_{ij}a^ib^j$$
This time a double sum is implied by the repeated indices. We have matching raised and lowered indices, so we can perform the summation get the inner product.
Now $g_{ij}v^i$ has its owns pecial meaning. You might recognize this as the procedure for lowering an index. It becomes $v_i$, a coordinate to be associated with a basis 1-form. A single upper index is the coordinate of a vector, a single lower index represents the coordinate of a 1-form.
See he for more on one forms