May be this is trivial but I need to understand why the renormalization of conserved current is not necessary ? As for example, in this paper, they demand (2$^{nd}$ paragraph of the 2$^{nd}$ column in page no. 3157) that the renormalization of the operator $$ Q_7 = \frac{e^2}{4\pi}\,\left[ \bar{s}\,\gamma^\mu (1-\gamma_5)d\right]\left[\bar{e}\,\gamma_\mu \,e \right]$$ is not needed because I quote from the reference [14] of the above mentioned paper:
"[14] Although the hadronic part of $Q_7$ is a composite operator involving two quark fields at the same point, it does not require renormalization since it is a partially conserved current. Thus, its matrix elements are not $\mu$ dependent."
Yet, in another paper (where one of the authors is M. B. Wise, the author of the first article I cited), they say otherwise, I quote from the abstract:
"...It is commonly asserted that the electromagnetic current is conserved and therefore is not renormalized. Within QED we show (a) that this statement is false..."
For now I need to understand why do we assert that conserved currents don't need renormalization. References to articles and books are most welcome.