Are 'sound speed' and 'speed of sound' the same thing?
If not, what is the difference?
If they are, could you clarify how the speed of sound applies in the below description of gaseous clouds?
I recall taking an astronomy class several years ago where the instructor said that the sound speed of gaseous clouds affected whether or not they collapsed and star formation began. This is of course a simplification, but this was my basic understanding:
As clouds become more massive, they contract due to the force of gravity. As they contract, they heat up. This heat causes expansion, which counteracts the force of gravity and prevents collapse.
As I recall (correct me if I'm wrong. I'm probably over simplifying at the very least), if sufficient mass is added, or if the sound speed is too small, then the cloud collapses faster than it can heat up and counteract the collapse. In my mind, the cloud is collapsing faster than the information is traveling through the cloud telling it that it should be heating up.
Searching 'sound speed' returns a lot of results about the speed of sound. This leads me to think they are the same, but this goes against what I remember.
There are also a couple results for sound speed on this SE, but they are incomprehensible to me.