I'm reading this paper [Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 160601 (2011)] and it studies simple diffusion where a particle stochastically resets to its initial position $x_0$ at a constant rate $r$. As you can see, equation (1) is the master equation for $p(x,t|x_0)$, the probability that the particle is at $x$ at time $t$, having begun from $x_0$:
\begin{equation} \frac{\partial p(x,t|x_0)}{\partial t}=D\frac{\partial^2p(x,t|x_0)}{\partial x^2}-rp(x,t|x_0)+r\delta(x-x_0), \end{equation}
I understand the origin of the LHS and of the first term of the RHS, they come from the simple diffusion process. But what about the second and third terms of the RHS? I think the second one has to do with a negative flux out each $x$ (due to stochastic resetting, as the paper says), and the third one has to do with the positive flux into $x_0$, but is there a (heuristic) way to understand a little further the use of a Dirac delta function for this last term? For example, what if the resetting occurs to a set of points? How this modify the master equation?