I would like to write a simple QFT simulation for a free scalar field with a cubic interaction term. However, I got stuck a bit. I will try to describe what I think I understand.
I want to have a look at a field with Lagrangian density
$$\mathcal{L} = \frac{1}{2} \dot{\phi}^2 - \frac{1}{2} \phi'^2 - K \phi^3.$$
Then, for a classical field, the equation of motion (from Euler-Lagrange equation) would be
$$\ddot{\phi} - \phi'' = -3K \phi^2.$$
However, I would like to work with a quantum field. Using the standard procedure of second quantisation, I should construct the Hamiltonian
$$H = \int \mathrm{d} x \left [ \frac{1}{2} \Pi^2 + \frac{1}{2} \phi'^2 + K \phi^3 \right ]$$
where $\Pi = \partial \mathcal{L} / \partial \dot{\phi}$.
Now I should make a transformation $\Pi(x,t) \to \hat{\Pi}(x,t)$ and $\phi(x,t) \to \hat{\phi}(x,t)$. So far so good. Defining commutation relation $[\hat{\phi}(x,t),\hat{\Pi}(x',t')] = i \delta(x-x',t-t')$, I should somehow make contact with the ladder operators $a$ and $a^{\dagger}$. However, I don't really see how. For a free field, I find the free classical wave-like solutions, and then promote the weights of different modes to operators. For a field with interaction, I don't really know what to do. This is my first problem.
Secondly, once I make contact with ladder operators, I can then express any state of the system as a concatenation of ladder operators on the vacuum state $|0\rangle$ such as $a^{\dagger}_{p_2} a^{\dagger}_{p_1} |0\rangle$. A general state should then be described as a superposition of all possible states of all particle numbers
$$|\psi\rangle = \left( \lambda_0 + \sum_{\mathrm{p_1}} \lambda_1(p_1) a^{\dagger}(p_1) + \sum_{\mathrm{p_1,p_2}} \lambda_2(p_1,p_2) a^{\dagger}(p_2) a^{\dagger}(p_1) + \begin{bmatrix}\mbox{higher particle}\\\mbox{number states}\end{bmatrix} \right) |0\rangle.$$
Such state has parameters functions $\lambda_0$, $\lambda_1(p_1)$, $\lambda_2(p_1,p_2)$ etc. giving amplitudes of different particular particle number states with different momenta.
Now, I am confused as to whether the evolution of the system should be entirely contained in the $\lambda$s as functions of time, or whether the ladder operators should evolve in time. In any case, how can I get the equation of motion of the QFT system? This is my second problem.
I would be grateful if anyone could help me with this. In particular, my goal is to see the functions $\lambda$ evolving in time on a computer.
Thanks a lot.