I will try to address the points you have made in your question, one by one.
First, what are electrons?
Thanks to @CuriousOne, electrons are best treated as perturbations in a quantum field, which is explained by quantum-electrodynamics. In the Standard Model, they are considered elementary particles of the 1st generation lepton family with a mass 1/1836 times that of a proton and 1 unit negative elementary charge. It is in fact what defines elementary electronic charge.
Firstly, how do electrons stay bound inside an atom?
Short answer: Not necessarily.
Long answer: An electron is allowed infinitely many paths about an atom, even if it means going around the universe. However, many researchers contributed towards finding a solution to this infinite-histories/infinite-paths problem, most prominently Prof. Richard Feynman. (I suggest you read his book "The Feynman Lectures on Physics", for a good introduction to quantum mechanics, among other things.).
It was calculated that the electron's probability was highest for being limited to an atom, and that too in some certain limited geometrical distributions for very simple atoms (one-electrons systems or hydrogen-like species). These limited geometrical distributions in which the probability of finding an electron is highest are called "orbitals". The probability of finding an electron at a particular coordinate is obtained by squaring the value of the electron's Schrödinger wavefunction at those coordinates.
For your reference, here is the Schrödinger equation in one dimension:
$$i\hbar\frac{\partial \Psi}{\partial t}= -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{\partial^2 \Psi}{\partial x^2} + V(x)\Psi(x,t)\equiv \tilde{H}\Psi(x,t),$$
where $i$ is the imaginary unit, $\Psi$ is the time-dependent wavefunction, $\hbar$ is the reduced Planck's constant, $h/2\pi$, $V(x)$ is the potential, and $\hat H$ is the Hamiltonian operator.
Also, here are the probability plots for the first three orbitals of hydrogen-like atoms:
And all of them in a hydrogen-like atom:
The solution for the Schrödinger equation is very complex and at best approximate for multi-electron atoms, and that too using spherical rather than Cartesian coordinates which represent the electron-waves as standing waves in spherical harmonics (it is like a standing wave on a circular string, except this is like a standing wave throughout some volume of an orbital region) (thanks @user36790). There are inter-electronic repulsions (nuclear screening) which needs to be accounted for, which greatly increases the complexity for even a 2-electron system (helium-like species).
Finally, what you asked in your question: Why don't electrons in overlapping orbitals collide?
Answer: They might, but it makes little to no sense to say that two waves "collide" with each other. They may superpose or interfere, but not "collide" in the classical sense.
Overlapping of adjacent orbitals leads to orbital degeneracy and reorganization of orbitals (although insofar as much hybrid orbitals are mathematical manipulations) (remember the chemistry of complexes and degenerate d-orbitals of transition elements?), among other things. Orbital boundaries are not sharply defined. They, in practice, nearly always overlap to some extent, but their electrons remain distinct.
However, two electrons cannot in-fact collide with each other, as in such a condition the wavefunction becomes undefined as two electrons are occupying the same state momentarily, but thankfully the Pauli exclusion principle prevents exactly this. The Pauli exclusion principle expressly states that two electrons in the same atom cannot have the same values for all of their quantum numbers (n, l, m and S) for any period of time. So you can be rest assured that two electrons in overlapping orbitals do not and can not "collide", even if for no other reason than their mutual electrostatic repulsion.