Crystals have internal energy including some energy associated with molecular vibrations.
Amorphous materials have internal energy including some energy associated with molecular vibrations.
In addition to molecular vibrations, crystals can exhibit mechanical (macroscopic) vibrations. An example of a resonant macroscopic vibrator is a tuning fork. But, note that most tuning forks are made of amorphous metals: crystals offer no special benefit here either.
A few crystals exhibit the piezoelectric effect: a mechanical stress induces an electric field and vice versa. This is not special to crystals. Polymers such as polyvinylidene fluoride also exhibit this same effect.
In sum, there is no special energy that crystals have that other materials do not have.
Googling your the keywords in your question, I found this site which claims:
Crystal energy is the power that crystals naturally give off and that
you are able to use to heal yourself.
That claim is nonsense.
A second site says that the "energy" of agate, a merely cryptocrystalline form of silica, has the following properties:
Compels the truth. Promotes good manners, happiness, intelligence,
prosperity, longevity, fertility and good health.
That is also nonsense.