Consider the scenario where Alice is given three qubits, and promised two of them are maximally entangled Bell state $\in_R \{\frac{|00+11>}{\sqrt{2}}, \frac{|00-11>}{\sqrt{2}}\}$ and one of them is BB84 state $\in_R \{ |0\rangle, |1\rangle, \frac{|0+1\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}, \frac{|0-1\rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \}$, but she does not which qubit is the BB84 state.
My questions are the follwing
1) Is there a (probabilistic) strategy for Alice to determine what bell state was given to her?
2) Suppose the set of Bell states to choose from was $\{\frac{|00+11>}{\sqrt{2}}, \frac{|00-11>}{\sqrt{2}}, \frac{|01+10>}{\sqrt{2}}, \frac{|01-10>}{\sqrt{2}}\}$. Would that make things different?
Alice only has one copy and has access to all the qubits (I am not talking about LOCC). We allow von Neumann measurements and don't care if the state discrimination is (non)destructive.