For questions about resonances and particles the Particle Data Group is the best reference.
One can find the whole Delta resonance family and remind oneself what each number is standing for, and thus know how to pronounce the symbol.
The number in parenthesis is the mass in MeV. The superscript is the charge of the particular resonance displayed on the plot, presumably. S,P,D,... are by convention the labels of the angular momentum quantum number "L" , and the two numbers are the numerators of the isospin and J quantum number ( J is the total angular momentum quantum number).
So the first one is read as : Delta zero seventeen fifty (Pee three one) or (Pee three halves one half). etc. (The superscript of parity is missing in your information.) The bar over a symbol denotes an antiparticle, antiDelta(1910)zero in the second line.
I would try and put the charge next to the main symbol, your first option but the other way is clear also.
For similar questions the naming scheme for hadrons would be a help in comprehension as well as pronunciation.