New and updated, because people were misunderstanding what I meant! General relativity describes gravity as the result of....(very roughly) spacetime curvature Newtonian gravity describes gravity as the result of a force between 2 masses What is the cause of gravity in M-theory? In order for me to understand this (I'm a picky 15 year old), please don't label it as too broad, I would really like to understand it, please try and understand it.)
I do not care about the EFEs, or how M-theory reduces to general relativity, I'm wanting to know how M-theory is different from GR in its description of how gravity works.
For example, a mass, B, curves spacetime, so a negligible mass, A, not technically being acted upon by a force, follows the same path it was already following, incidentally curved in the direction of B... This is what we see as the gravitational "force". Likewise, I would like an answer like this (and this is just made up) a field X couples to field Y, causing... So and so to occur. This, in turn, creates gravity. In other words, I want a fresh description of how gravity works and generated in M-Theory.
And please don't just say it predicts a graviton, give me I for on how exactly gravity gets generated according to the theory. Please don't count this as a duplicate, any similar questions I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for in. I've seen very many posts that do so.