I'm studying neutron scattering theory and I noticed that one usually writes the scattered wave as a spherical wave: $$\psi \sim \frac{-b} {r}e^{ikr}$$ where $b$ is known as scattering lenght. From usual scattering theory (for instance Sakurai's chapter) one shows that the scattered wave can be written as (suppose $\vec{k} \parallel \hat{z}$): $$ \psi \sim e^{ikz}+f(\theta, \phi)\frac{e^{ikr}}{r}. $$ So my doubts:
1) Why (in the first eq.) do we forget about the transmitted plane wave? Is it just not important now?.
2) What is the relationship between the scattering amplitude $f$ and $b$? For instance in Sakurai's book a scattering lenght "$a$" is basically defined as a certain limit (page 403) and then it turns out that $\sigma_{tot}= 4 \pi a^2$ which I see is also a property of $b$ ! So I would say they're the same.. but in the book $a$ reduces to $f$ only in the case of an $S$ wave scattering with $l=0$.. While from the first and the second equation I'd say $b=-f(\theta, \phi)$ no matter what $l$ is! So what is their conection??. Thanks!!