I have two equations (from two distinct authors) for the decomposition of a coupling coefficient of SO(4) (i.e. Wigner 3j-symbol for SO(4)). In the first:
\begin{equation} \left( \begin{array}{ccc} l_1 & l_2 & l_3 \\ \left(l'_1, N_1\right) & \left(l'_2, N_2\right) & \left(l'_3, N_3\right) \end{array} \right)_{SO(4)} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} l_1 & l_2 & l_3 \\ l'_1 & l'_2 & l'_3 \end{array} \right)_{\left(SO(4):SO(3)\right)} \left( \begin{array}{ccc} l'_1 & l'_2 & l'_3 \\ N_1 & N_2 & N_3 \end{array} \right) \end{equation}
The left hand side is the coupling (Wigner) coefficient for SO(4) and the right hand side has an isoscalar factor with the label $SO(4):SO(3)$, and a normal Wigner coefficient for SO(3).
In the second equation the author factors the SO(4) coupling coefficient into the product of two SO(3) coupling coefficients as:
In this case SO(4) is from the direct product of two SO(3)s: $(X_1Y_1)\bigotimes(X_2Y_2)\rightarrow(XY)$
$\bf QUESTION$: I want to set these equations equal to each other and solve for the isoscalar factor, but I am confused by the fact that the first author only uses a scalar for the upper arguments whereas the second author uses a tuple. How do the parameters of the SO(4) coupling coefficients equate? (e.g. Is there a way to get $X_1,Y_1$ from $l_1$?)
The first equation is eq. 4.6b from ftp://ftp.physics.uwa.edu.au/pub/Clebsch-Gordan/Papers/SO%28n%29.pdf
The second equation is eq. 22 from http://jmp.aip.org/resource/1/jmapaq/v51/i9/p093518_s1
The parameters of the second equation are defined as follows:
$J_r\equiv\frac{1}{2}\varepsilon_{rst}L_{st}$, $N_r\equiv L_{r4}$, i.e. $$\begin{array}{ccc}J_1=L_{23}&J_2=L_{31}&J_3=L_{12}\\N_1=L_{14}&N_2=L_{24}&N_3=L_{34}\end{array}$$