I am by no means an expert in the realm of physics. I do from time to time, try to understand the concepts of modern physics and their applications.
I came across this video that I am currently watching, and in the beginning it explains what would happen to someone if they crossed over the event horizon of a black hole.
From my understanding, the time dilation is so great near a black hole, that if you were to cross over the event horizon someone viewing you from further away would never actually see you cross and you would appear frozen forever at the edge of the event horizon due to this time dilation near great mass.
If this is true, in the sense that the entire existence of the universe outside the black hole would unfold while you were stuck at the edge of the event horizon due to time dilation (Please fact check me here, I would love to know if time does actually stop for you if you cross the event horizon of a black hole), wouldn't it be true that you would actually spend no time at all inside the black hole due to hawking radiation and it's effect on the evaporation of black holes?
What I mean by this is that, apparently from what I've read, a black hole will evaporate and cease to exist at the end of some finite period of time in the universe due to it giving off hawking radiation. If this is true, and if the fact that you appear to be forever frozen at the event horizon due to time dilation is also true, wouldn't it seem from the perspective of the person crossing the event horizon that the black hole ceases to exist?
I am very intrigued by this possible paradox that I was questioning and I would love to know more about it's ramifications, if there are any, from many of you whom are more advanced that I.
Thank you in advance.