I describe how to calculate the Hubble parameter in How does the Hubble parameter change with the age of the universe?. You should have a quick read through this as it's relevant to the rest of your question.
We know the universe is expanding. We describe its size by a parameter called the scale factor, $a$. The rate of expansion is the rate of change of $a$ with time, which we write as $\dot{a}$.
Our everyday experience of gravity is that it accelerates things i.e. it speeds them up or slows them down. If you drop a ball gravity accelerates it downwards, and if you throw the ball up gravity slows it. In the context of an expanding universe the corresponding quantity is the rate of change of $\dot{a}$ with time, which we write as $\ddot{a}$. If $\ddot{a} \lt 0$ that means the expansion rate is slowing down, while if $\ddot{a} \gt 0$ that means the expansion rate is speeding up. So when you ask if gravitation will ever be zero, I take this to mean that $\ddot{a} = 0$ i.e. the expansion of the universe is neither slowing down nor speeding up.
The equation for $\ddot{a}$ comes from the Friedmann equations. For a flat universe like ours, and assuming the pressure is zero, $\ddot{a}$ is given by:
$$ \frac{\ddot{a}}{a} = -\frac{4\pi G}{3}\rho + \frac{c^2}{3}\Lambda \tag{1} $$
where $\rho$ is the density of the stuff in the universe and $\Lambda$ is the cosmological constant i.e. the dark energy. Note that the density $\rho$ decreases with time as the universe expands because the same amount of matter occupies a bigger volume of space. However the cosmological constant $\Lambda$ does not change with time.
So is there a time when $\ddot{a} = 0$? If we take equation (1) and set $\ddot{a} = 0$ we get:
$$ \frac{4\pi G}{3}\rho = \frac{c^2}{3}\Lambda $$
or rearranging gives us:
$$ \rho = \frac{c^2}{4\pi G}\Lambda $$
and this value of $\rho$ happened about 5 billion years ago at the point where the rate of expansion changed from slowing to accelerating. This is the point of inflection in the graph of $a$ versus time:
So there was a moment about 5 billion years ago when the net gravity in the universe was effectively zero. This moment will never come again because dark energy is now accelerating the expansion.