Electron Positron pairs can be created via three process:
- Photon-Photon interaction
- Photon-Particle interaction
- Particle-Particle interaction
I want to know how 2. and 3. can create electron - positron pair.
Electron Positron pairs can be created via three process:
I want to know how 2. and 3. can create electron - positron pair.
Electron positron pairs can appear whenever there exists enough energy and electromagnetic interactions.
Photon photon to produce an e+e- is disfavored as far as crossections go because of the great number of vertices involved in the Feynman diagram
One of the outgoing photons, if it has enough energy can be a virtual photon in a diagram creating a pair , joining a) with the two photon diagram.
The same is true for photon-particle and particle-particle particle interactions, a virtual photon with enough energy creates an e+e- pair.
The outgoing photon can be virtual and given enough energy can produce e+e- pairs .
To learn about putting together Feynman diagrams have a look here.