This question concerns the very interesting paper: ''Symmetry protected topological (SPT) orders and the group cohomology of their symmetry group'' by Chen et al.,
In this paper, in Section II.F. (left column of page 7), it is said that the unitary transformation U that goes from the trivial SPT state to a non-trivial SPT state whose wavefunction is written as a product of group cocycles is local. Indeed, citing the paper, ``Then, using the local unitary transformation $U=\prod_{\vartriangle} \nu_3(1,g_i,g_j,g_k) \prod_{\triangledown} \nu_3^{-1}(1,g_i,g_j,g_k)$, we find that the above ideal ground state wave function is given by $\Phi = U \Phi_0$ and...'' where $\Phi_0$ is the trivial SPT state and $\Phi$ the non-trivial one.
Given the fact that $U$ is symmetry-preserving, my question is: how can U be local, since, by definition, two different SPT phases cannot be linked by a symmetry-preserving local unitary transformation (as stated in the paper)?