Consider the radial differential equation
$$\bigg( - \frac{d^2}{dr^2} + \frac{(\ell+\frac{d-3}{2})(\ell+\frac{d-1}{2})}{r^2} + V(r) + m^2 \bigg) \phi_\ell (r) = \lambda\ \phi_\ell (r),$$
which I've obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation in $d$ dimensions using the method of separation of variables.
Now, the boundary condition that I have been given is $$\phi_\ell (r) \sim r^{\ell+\frac{d-1}{2}},\ r \rightarrow 0.$$
However, I was expecting the boundary conditions $$\phi_\ell (0) = 0,\ \phi^{\prime}_{\ell} (0) = 1.$$
Does anybody have an idea if there is a relation of some sort between the two sets of boundary conditions in the context of the given differential operator?