I'm struggling to model the movement of a complex object based on an external force.
Let's start with a simple example of what I'm looking for.
We have a block $b$ of mass $M_b$, moving friction-less along a surface. It's influenced by a varying external force $F_b(t)$.
How does the block move? We have $a_b(t) = \frac{F_b(t)}{M_b}$, so assuming we start with $x_b(0) = 0$ and $v_b(0) = 0$, we have $x_b(t) = \frac{1}{2} \frac{F_b(t)}{M_b} t^2$.
I need the same calculation for a more complex object, which is basically an inverted pendulum.
On the block, we mount an axis, and connect a long rod with mass $M_{rod}$ to it. It has a large mass $M_{head}$ on its top.
The two main points I'm struggling with:
- The inertia of the object changed. As long as the rod is almost upright, it's somewhat intuitive that the block will accelerate slower than before (the lower parts of the rod have to be accelerated as well), and faster than if the rod was fixed (making this a fixed object with mass $M_b + M_{rod} + M_{head}$). I'm pretty sure that this has to be factored in as a backwards force the rod exerts to the block, but I have no idea how to calculate its strength.
We get additional forces when the rod is no longer upright.
Gravity pulls on the rod and head with the force $F_g$ in the shared center of mass. Using $\alpha$, this can be split into a force $F_t$ that acts as a torque on the rod and head, and a force $F_p$ that pushes down the rod onto the block.
Are these considerations right so far? How could I continue?
The ultimate goal is a function $x(t)$ depending on the properties of the objects and $F_b(t)$ – but I'm more interested in the way to get there than the actual result. (This is why I tagged this homework-and-exercises
, although this is not homework.)