I have tried to make sense of this and i am not sure i get it. What i gather from this page about the classical limit is:
You need coherent states something like $\hbar \to 0$ is not really enaugh. Which makes sense to me because i always though it to be a strange thing to do. Like assuming $c=\infty$ istead of $ {v \over c} \to 0$.
But statements on this seem to vary greatly here are a few statements of upvoted answers and one from my statistical mechanics professor:
1) "The short answer: No, classical mechanics is not recovered in the ℏ→0 limit of quantum mechanics." - juanrga
There seem to be contradictory statements to this, and people trying to get people to read their paper on this, these are cases of this:
2)"It is natural, and intuitive, as explained above, to assume that the classical limit is a property of a certain class of states.
As it happens, that view is incorrect. You can actually obtain an exact recovery of Hamiltonian Classical Point Mechanics for any value of ℏ using a different wave-equation:" - Kingsley Jones
3) "What is the limit ℏ→0 of quantum theory?" is that the classical limit of quantum theory is not classical mechanics but a classical statistical theory. - U. Klein
4) This is what shows up in my stat. mech. lecture as:
"Häufig spielen jedoch quantenmechanische Effekte keine Rolle; dies sollte der Fall sein, wenn $\hbar $ kleiner als alle relevanten Wirkungen im System ist und wir den Grenz ̈ubergang $\hbar $ → 0 machen konnen. Dann sollten die quantenmechanischen Formeln in die klassischen Formeln übergehen."
my translation :
"Many times quantum effects can be neglected, if this is the case, if $\hbar$ is smaller than any relevant actions in the system and we can take the limit $ \hbar \to 0 $. Then all the Q.M formulas should transform into the classical ones" (Talking about statistical avarages $\langle O \rangle = Tr(O\rho)$ and von-Neumann enthropy here.)
I would like to know what is going on. Is this true for statistical mechanics? I am looking forward to your takes on this stuff. Just type "classical limit" in the search and look at some threads, it is quite strange (to me) how many "please don't just link your own work" type comments show up.