
Is there an easy way to look at a partial different equation and get a sense of what kind of phenomena it is physically describing? I have an equation that looks like this:


From inspecting it and doing some searching, it seemed like it might be trying to describe a phenomena that had advection and diffusion occurring at the same time. Is this a correct interpretation?

Note that $C_3>0$, $C_2<0$, $C_1<0$, $C_0>0$ and $v(x,t)$ is velocity. I'm not sure, but it seems reasonable to assume velocity can be either negative or positive. Also, $A(x,t)$ should be positive.

Note that I'm not looking for a solution to the equation, just the physical interpretation of what kind of physics would be involved.

  • $\begingroup$ Have you managed to check if it's in Polyanin's books? $\endgroup$
    – user172
    Commented Nov 28, 2011 at 18:22
  • $\begingroup$ What about the sign of the constants $A$, $v$, $C_i$? $\endgroup$
    – Christian Blatter
    Commented Nov 28, 2011 at 20:09
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ In general, questions are not supposed to be cross-posted, not unless you've tried and failed to get any useful input on one site. So we'll probably wind up closing either this or the one on the math site. $\endgroup$
    – David Z
    Commented Nov 28, 2011 at 21:14
  • $\begingroup$ @David Zaslavsky: Thanks for letting me know. I understand. I will avoid cross-posting in the future. $\endgroup$
    – Henry B.
    Commented Nov 29, 2011 at 0:33

4 Answers 4


Let us try to rewrite the equation in approximate form of finite differences: $$\frac{A(x,t+\Delta t)-A(x,t)}{\Delta t} = C_3\frac{A(x+h,t)+A(x-h,t)-2A(x,t)}{h^2} +$$ $$+ C_2 \frac{v(x+h,t)A(x+h,t)-v(x-h,t)A(x-h,t)}{2h} + C_1 A(x,t)+C_0$$ Where $\Delta t$ -- is a time step, and $h$ -- space step.
The expression becomes your PDE, in the limit $\Delta t\to0, h\to0$.

The left hand side describes how much the quantity $A$ changes during a time step at a given point (hope that is obvious). Let us see what is on right hand side term-by-term:

  • $C_3$: If $A$ is larger in total at "neighboring" points than in the point itself: $A(x+h,t)+A(x-h,t)>2A(x,t)$ then $A$ will increase at $x$. Otherwise it will decrease. So the term "forces" $A$ to some kind of local equilibrium.
    This is a standard term for description of various diffusion or heat distribution processes that forces your system to some equilibrium.
  • $C_2$: Here one have to be careful with signs. Let us call $x+h$ "the point to the right" and $x-h$ will be "the point to the left". If $v>0$ then it "flows to the right" and if $v<0$ it "flows to the left". Now you check that if your flow goes into your point $x$ (say, flows to the right from point to the left) then it increases $A$ at $x$. And decreases if flows goes away from your point.
    That is a standard term that describes stuff carried with the flow $v$ and usually derived in terms of substantial derivative
  • $C_1$ and $C_0$: These two are trivial, because they are local. $C_0$ just gives a constant contribution to growth of $A$, and $C_1$ changes (inhibits in your case) the growth rate proportional to the value of $A$.
    You can also understand them in terms of local ODE for a given point: $\dot{a} = C_1a+C_0$

To sum it up: let us say that $A(x,t)$ describes density of, say, bacteria in a tube. Then $C_3$ describes how they diffuse around, $C_2$ describes how they are carried by a stream $v(x,t)$ of liquid in the tube, $C_0$ -- is a growth rate of new bacteria, and, finally, $C_1$ -- is responsible for the growth to slow down from the overpopulation.

  • $\begingroup$ This is an incredibly good and useful answer. I wish I had another vote. $\endgroup$
    – Henry B.
    Commented Nov 29, 2011 at 0:34
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ In the bacteria interpretation, $C_0$ is really an immigration rate, not a growth rate: new bacteria appear even if none were present initially. $C_1$, however, can indeed be interpreted as a density-independent per capita mortality (and/or emigration) rate. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 29, 2011 at 16:43

As an alternative to Christian Blatter's heat interpretation, $A$ might describe the concentration of particles adsorbed onto a one-dimensional substrate surface (or a two-dimensional one, where we ignore one of the dimensions).

  • New particles are adsorbed at rate $C_0$ per unit length.
  • Adsorbed particles detach from the surface at rate $-C_1$ per particle.
  • The particles move along the surface (or the surface itself moves) with mean net velocity $-C_2 v$.
  • While moving, the particles also diffuse over the surface with diffusion coefficient $C_3$.

In any case, this equation describes the dynamics of some quantity $A$ undergoing diffusion and advection over a one-dimensional space, while also undergoing constant (i.e. zeroth-order) local accumulation and first-order decay.

(As a mathematical ecologist, my first thought was to interpret it as a spatial population model, but it doesn't really fit that interpretation very well: there's no $A^2$ term that could describe local density regulation.)

  • $\begingroup$ This is an intriguing interpretation. Where can I find more on this way of looking at it? $\endgroup$
    – Henry B.
    Commented Nov 29, 2011 at 1:59

You have a thin cylindrical tube along the $x$-axis that is filled with some gas of density $\rho(x,t)$. The temperature of the gas is $A(x,t)$, and the gas is moving along with "mass flux" $m(x,t):=\rho(x,t)v(x,t)$, where $v$ denotes the actual speed of individual particles. (The $\rho$ is missing in your equation). Heat is transported through heat conduction and by means of convection. In addition the $x$-axis is an electrical wire which produces heat hat a constant rate, and at the surface of the tube we have a heat loss towards outer space, the latter being a temperature $0$.

Your equation describes the temporal change rate of temperature in a "length element" at $x$ at time $t$. The individual terms on the right side account for the contributions of conduction, convection, surface loss to outer space, and heating.


Neglecting terms and solving the equation for idealized initial conditions is one way to study what each term means.

$$∂_tA=C_3∂_x^2A+C_2∂_x(vA)+C_1 A+C_0$$

For example, set all but $C_0$ to zero and obtain $A = C_0 t + A(x,0)$. The term with $C_0$ supplies the quantity represented by $A$ at a constant rate. It's a source term.

Set all but $C_1$ to zero and obtain $A = A(x,0) e^{C_1 t}$. This is a kind of nonlinear source term -- $A$ is supplied at a rate proportional to its quantity in a positive feedback.

Set all but $C_2$ to zero and you find $A = A(x,0)\delta(x-C_2 vt)$ assuming $v$ is constant. You can generalize for $v$ x-dependent. This is an advection term which the describes the movement of $A$ at velocity $C_2 v$.

Set all but $C_3$ to zero and you find the classic diffusion equation. Here the solution for a point source initial condition is something like $A(x,t) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{C_3 t}} e^{-x^2/(C_3 t)}$ although I have some constants wrong. This describes a "spreading out" or smearing tendency due to differential transport characteristics between components of $A$.

Long story short, you have diffusion with diffusivity $C_3$, advection with velocity $C_2 v$, nonlinear supply at rate $C_1$, and constant supply at rate $C_0$.


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