So. We have a singlet sate $$ \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\vert\uparrow\downarrow\rangle-\vert\downarrow\uparrow\rangle)$$ And two pauli matrices for z axis - one that acts on 1st spin (lets denote it with $\sigma_{z}$), other for 2nd spin (denoted $\tau_{z}$). When I calculate expectation values, I get $$\langle\sigma_{z}\rangle=0$$ $$\langle\tau_{z}\rangle=0$$
Which I do understand physically (I think, I do). We prepare many pairs of spins in a singlet state and measure first or second spin along z axis. Summing up results gives average spin value 0.
However expectation for two observables together $$\langle\sigma_{z}\tau_{z}\rangle=-1$$ I assumed that two observables in the row means two measurements (we measure 1st spin and then second, or vice versa). So expectation value should be zero, because if one spin is measured, it gives direction to other spin instantly, so average value of one measurement is always zero. What is wrong in my reasoning? Why expectation value is -1?