ATLAS has no experiment-wide definition of "fiducial", it basically means sensitive to signal.
The definition is confusing because, unlike most experiments, ATLAS (and CMS, D0, CDF, etc) doesn't just define the physical area where the experiment is sensitive, they also define collision properties. This means the definition of fiducial isn't limited to the detector volume. Instead it's roughly defined as the parameter space of events where you can expect to measure your signal.
Unfortunately this may depend on what you're trying to measure. Other "fiducial cuts" may include:
- $p_\mathrm{t}$ of objects (jets, leptons, etc)
- $\eta$ of objects
- Various relationships among the objects in the detector (i.e. missing transverse energy, etc)
Further confusing matters, some groups within the experiment choose to omit the term "fiducial" entirely; the financial volume may just be referred to as the "signal region". So while in the most general sense it means the place where your signal is strong, the term should never appear without a more precise definition.