If the $J_{\Omega}$ is the following matrix, which is solved by ja72 in How to compute the inertia tensor ${\bf{J}} _{\Omega}$ of a body of revolution: $${\bf J} = \rho\, \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\pi}{2}\int_a^b{f(x)}^4\,{\rm d}x&0&0\\ 0&\frac{\pi}{4}\int_a^b\left({f(x)}^4+4 x^2 {f(x)}^2\right)\,{\rm d}x &0\\0&0&\frac{\pi}{4}\int_a^b\left({f(x)}^4+4 x^2 {f(x)}^2\right)\,{\rm d}x \end{bmatrix}$$
Now denote the element on the diagonal as $J_1,J_2,J_3$. It is easy to find that $J_2=J_3$.
My problem is to solve $J_{\Omega}\dot w=(J_{\Omega}w \times w)$.
My attempt is as follows:
$J_{\Omega}\dot w=(J_{\Omega}w \times w)$ can be written as
$\left\{ \begin{array}{l} J_1\dot w_1=(J_2-J_3)w_2w_3\\ J_2\dot w_2=(J_3-J_1)w_3w_1\\ J_3\dot w_3=(J_1-J_2)w_1w_2 \end{array} \right.$
Since $J_2=J_3$, then I got
$$\dot w_1=0 \tag{1},$$
$$w_3\dot w_3+w_2\dot w_2=0 \tag{2}$$.
By my Lagrange doesn't depend on t and Noether's theorem, I was also given
$\left\{ \begin{array}{l} J_{\Omega}w \cdot w=2E_0\\ |J_{\Omega}w|^2=A_0^2 \end{array} \right.$
Then what to do next to solve the equation?