In some lecture notes I have, the author derives the expectation value of the occupation numbers for a discrete system of fermions as follows:
Consider all states that have a certain energy $\varepsilon_s$. There shall be $a_s$ such states, and $n_s$ particles occupying these states. Then, the number of configurations in this energy level is $$ W_s = \frac{a_s!}{n_s!\left(a_s-n_s\right)!}$$
If one now considers all energy levels, the total number of possible states for the whole system is $$ W = \prod_s W_s $$ where $s$ enumerates the energy levels. (I think countably infinitely many levels should not be a problem, would they?)
Now, one can try and maximize the entropy $S=k\ln\left(W\right)$ under the constraints that the particle number is fixed, $N=\sum_s n_s$, as is the total energy, $E=\sum_s n_s\varepsilon_s$. Introducing the Lagrangian multipliers $\alpha$ and $\beta$ in $$ \Lambda := \frac{S}{k} - \alpha \left(\sum_s n_s - N\right) - \beta \left(\sum_s n_s \varepsilon_s - E\right) $$ one indeed finds an extremum for $\Lambda$ for $$ n_i = \frac{a_i}{1+\exp\left(\alpha+\beta\varepsilon_i\right)} $$ which is, up to a factor, the Fermi-Dirac statistic once the Lagrangian multipliers are identified to be $\alpha = - \frac{\mu}{k_B T}$ and $\beta=\frac{1}{k_B T}$.
Now, in a side remark, the lecture notes claim that, if one had assumed a classical system where $W = a_s^{n_s}$, one would have obtained Boltzmann statistics: $n_s = \exp\left(-\alpha-\beta \epsilon_s\right)$.
I assume that instead of $W$, the author meant to write $W_s$. From the form of $W_s$, I conclude that the system under consideration has discrete energy levels, and that the particles do not obey the Pauli principle and are distinguishable from one another. In these circumstances, $a_s^{n_s}$ seems to give the right number of configurations within the energy level $\epsilon_s$, the total number of configurations again being $W=\prod_s W_s$.
However, $S$ now is linear in the $n_s$, so that differentiation of the new $\Lambda$ with regard to some $n_i$ gives an expression independent of any of the $n_k$.
What went wrong? Why did the procedure seem to work in the first case, but not in this? Or did I make a (conceptual?) mistake somewhere along the line?
Any input would be greatly appreciated!