As I understand it, there are two "versions" of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle:
Position-Momentum uncertainty \begin{equation} \sigma_x \sigma_p \geq \frac{\hbar}{2} \end{equation}
where $[\hat{x},\hat{p}] = i\hbar$ implies no quantum state can be both a position and momentum eigenstate.
and then
Time-Energy uncertainty \begin{equation} \sigma_T \sigma_E \geq \frac{\hbar}{2} \end{equation}
I don't understand why time and space are separated. Like why isn't $\hat{x}$ an operator that represents information about position in spacetime. We could call this operator $\hat{s}$. Presumably if there is a $\sigma_T$, there must be a time operator $\hat{T}$. If so, why is there a time operator devoid of any reference to spacetime?
I read this 2010 article by John Baez suggesting not everyone agrees that the time-energy uncertainty version is valid. But isn't that one of the ideas that let's us believe virtual particles can exist?
My Question
There were several rhetorical questions here in the sense I intended them as food for thought. The one I want answered is Why isn't the Heisenberg uncertainty principle stated in terms of spacetime?