I'm currently working on a problem in which an object's speed remains the same, but it experiences a change in direction after some time. I'm fairly sure it experiences an acceleration in order to change direction.
However, I am confused because of the change in direction.
I want to use the formula $A_x = \Delta v / \Delta t $. Since the object experiences a change in direction at some point but still travels at the same speed, would the second velocity technically be negative? Like so:
$V_1$ = 5.0m/s ,$V_2$ = 5.0m/s, $T_1$ = 0 seconds, $T_2$ = 10 seconds
$A_x = V_1 - (-V_2) / T_1 - T_2 $
Also, does it matter which direction? Would it be the same as travelling right and then turning left/right/around?