If you know the torque and hence the acceleration as a function of position then
$$ \frac{{\rm d}^2\theta}{{\rm d}t^2} =\frac{{\rm d}\omega}{{\rm d}t} = I^{-1} \tau(\theta) $$
$$ =\frac{{\rm d}\omega}{{\rm d}\theta} \omega = I^{-1} \tau(\theta)$$
$$ \int \omega \,{\rm d} \omega = \int I^{-1} \tau(\theta) \, {\rm d} \theta $$
$$ \frac{1}{2} \omega^2 +C = \int I^{-1} \tau(\theta) \, {\rm d} \theta $$
Now you have the calculated speed as a function of angle given some initial conditions and a numerical integral
$$ \omega(\theta) =\sqrt{2 \left( \ldots \right) } $$
A second integral is needed to get to the time needed to reach a certain speed.
$$ t = \int \frac{1}{\omega(\theta)}\,{\rm d} \theta $$
So if at one instant you measure/calculate the rotational speed and acceleration as $\omega_1$ and $\alpha_1$ then you can estimate the speed at the next step $\omega_2 = \omega_1 + \Delta \omega$ if you know the acceleration change $\alpha_2 = \alpha_1 + \Delta \alpha$. By assuming linear acceleration curve between the points you arrive at
$$ \frac{1}{2} \omega^2 - \frac{1}{2} \omega_1^2 = \int \limits_{\theta_1}^\theta \alpha(\theta)\,{\rm d}\theta $$ which simplifies to
$$ \frac{1}{2} \omega^2 - \frac{1}{2} \omega_1^2 = \alpha_1 (\theta-\theta_1) + \frac{\Delta \alpha}{2 \Delta \theta} (\theta-\theta_1)^2 $$
$$ \frac{\Delta \omega}{2} (2 \omega_1+\Delta \omega) = \alpha_1 \Delta \theta + \frac{\Delta \alpha}{2} \Delta \theta $$
$$ \boxed{ \Delta \omega = \sqrt{\omega_1^2+\Delta \theta (2 \alpha_1 + \Delta \alpha)} -\omega_1 }$$
This can also be expressed as
$$ \omega(\theta) = \sqrt{ \omega_1^2 + 2 \alpha_1 (\theta-\theta_1) + \frac{(\theta-\theta_1)^2 \Delta \alpha}{\Delta \theta}} $$
The time for the step $\omega_1 \rightarrow \omega_1 + \Delta \omega$ is estimated by
$$ \Delta t = \int \limits_{\theta_1}^{\theta} \frac{1}{\omega(\theta)}\,{\rm d}\theta $$
$$ \Delta t = \sqrt{\frac{\Delta \theta}{\Delta \alpha}} \ln \left(1+ \frac{\sqrt{\Delta \alpha}(\Delta \omega+\sqrt{\Delta \alpha \Delta \theta}}{\alpha_1 \sqrt{\Delta \theta}+\omega_1 \sqrt{\Delta \alpha}} \right) $$
The above is simplified a bit if you consider the time constant $T = \sqrt{\frac{\Delta \theta}{\Delta \alpha}}$. When $\Delta \alpha \neq 0$ and $T \neq \infty$ then
$$ \boxed{ \Delta t = T \ln \left(1+ \frac{\Delta \theta + T \Delta \omega}{T (\omega_1 + T \alpha_1)} \right) }$$
Otherwise when $\Delta \alpha=0$ and $T=\infty$ $$\boxed{\Delta t = \frac{\Delta \omega}{\alpha_1}}$$