Short answer: Unlike stretchy materials, spacetime lacks a measure of stretchedness.
Long answer: Let's see where the rubber sheet analogy holds and where it fails. When you stretch a rubber sheet, two points on it change distance. You can also formulate a differential version of this property by saying it about infinitesimally close points. Similar is happening for the spacetime. In fact, description how infinitesimally close points change their (infinitesimal) distance is a complete geometric description of a spacetime in general relativity (GR). Even more, it is complete description of a spacetime in GR (up to details about the matter content in it).
This is described by a quantity called metric tensor $g_{\mu\nu}$, or simply metric for short. It is $n$ by $n$ matrix, where $n$ is the number of spacetime dimensions (so it is usually 4 unless you are dealing with theories with different number of dimensions). Square of the infinitesimal distance is given by:
ds^2=\sum_\mu \sum_\nu g_{\mu\nu}dx^\mu dx^\nu
In Einstein summation convention, summation over repeated indices is assumed, so this is usually written simply as $ds^2=g_{\mu\nu}dx^\mu dx^\nu$.
For flat spacetime $g_{\mu\nu}$ is a diagonal matrix with -1 followed by 1s or 1 followed by -1s, depending on the convention (it gives the same physics in the end). For a flat Euclidean space, metric tensor is simply a unit matrix, so for 3-dimensional space this gives:
which is just a differential expression for Pythagorean theorem.
Where does the analogy fail?
Well, as I said before, metric is a complete description of the spacetime in GR. This means that the spacetime doesn't have any additional property. Rubber, on the other hand, has a measure of how much it has been stretched. This is closely related to rubber having a measure amount of rubber per unit space. But there is no such thing as "amount of space per unit space", so once you stretch the spacetime, it won't go back. Or you could say that stretching and creating spacetime is the same thing, because you end up with more volume "for free" (meaning that, unlike rubber, it has no way to "remember" it used to have less volume).
Expansion of space means simply that distances between the points become larger, without any movement implied. It is simpler that with stretchy materials, but less intuitive, because our intuition forces us to imply additional properties which are not there.