The other answers are correct. I would like to add to them with an example.
Take a spring, with spring constank $k$, with a mass, $m$, at one end and fixed to a large immovable object at the other.
Let the only force acting on the mass be due to the spring and the difference from the equilibrium position to be $x$, which can be positive and negative.
This can be represented by the diagram
Now the force on the mass is equal to $-kx$ and the acceleration, $a$, is given by $-{k\over m}x$ so
$$ a = {d^2x \over dt^2} = -{k \over m} x$$
because the acceleration is ${d^2x \over dt^2}$. Thus, we get the second order differential
$$ {d^2x \over dt^2} = -{k \over m} x$$
which can be solved analytically or with mathematical analysis to give
$$ x = A sin\left( \sqrt{k \over m} t + \phi\right)$$
where $A$ is the amplitude and $\phi$ is a phase factor. $A$ and $\phi$ depend on the initial conditions.
Now the powerful thing about this solution, which is provided by mathematical analysis, is that it will be correct no matter what the values of $k$, $m$, $A$ and $\phi$ will be, provided that the model we have set up is correct. Furthermore, we can differentiate the equation for $x$ with respect to time to find $v$ and $a$ as functions of time.
[note, of course, this is a case of SHM, or simple harmonic motion, and very well know. Also the solution presented here is correct, but not unique]
If, however, we take a three body system of sun, earth and moon, we cannot find a simple equation to describe the motion of these bodies. In particular, it is not possible to predict (even qualitatively) what the motion is likely to be like for all different combination of masses that could be chosen for sun, earth and moon and all different initial positions and all different intial velocities.
It is possible, however, to use numerical techniques to simulate the motion of any combination of masses with any particular intial positions and velocities. The simplest one to describe is the Euler method. Time moves forward in discrete small steps $\delta t$. For every quantity, e.g. $x_{earth}$ the $x$ position of the earth, we find the rate of change of $x_{earth}$ with time $dx_{earth}\over dt$ and use it to find the new value after the small time step of $\delta t$.
$$ x_{earth}(t+\delta t) = x_{earth}(t) + {dx_{earth}\over dt}\delta t$$
There are better methods, such as Euler Cromer and Runge Kutta; they work on the same principle of moving forward in discrete time steps.