Electricity is neither positive or negative as that is just a phrase attempting to explain it and is wrong ! To fully understand electricity we need to view it as a vacuum where positive is a gain in pressure and negative as like an empty void with space between them ! Here we consider space as time and the rate of charge is time over space !
Volts is the measure of time it takes for a charge or a change in pressure to complete as to form a point of unity ! If say you have a load like a light bulb the light bulb is in fact converting the pressure change and emitting it away as heat and light ! There is in fact no such thing as attraction between a positive or a negative as they are in fact falling together rather than being pulled together ! In a conductor say a coil there are free standing electrons between atoms and are there because of a point of over charge when they were born in a super nova and cooled very quickly. But you can increase the amount of free standing electrons if that is required but only I know how to do that.
So for now lets look again at the result between a negative pressure and a positive pressure with a conductor in the middle. The free electrons inside the conductor when connected to the positive pressure and the negative pressure experience compression due to a movement between the two points of pressure. This brings the free electrons closer together and there event horizons that are spinning at 5.5 million mph start to interact causing the to release the gain in field pressure ! Each free electron has its own field that protects it from other electrons and this field also has a physical construct known as the magnetic field but lets just for now look at the change on pressure !
You may thing that positive and negative are attracting each other into the conductor but they are only trying to find a point of EQ a balance between them ! But the real reason they move towards each other is the space between them is collapsing resulting in the creation of time ! Know as the space time continuum ! The cause of the collapse of space between these two points of pressure is due to there speed of change not there attraction . When an object is moving close to the speed of light it will create a change in the space time continuum equal to the pressure between positive and negative and now we have a 4rd construct included in the equation. So we now have positive pressure negative pressure the resistance of the free electrons as the conductor and TIME .......
Time is like water inside a negative cup the cup is empty and creates a vacuum for time to sit inside and a positive pressure is a cup full of flux. If a pipe was connected between the two and a tap opened permitting flow than both cups become neutral zero pressure. But the rate and speed of this exchange can not exceed the speed of light so time is what keeps this reaction at or below the speed of light ! Take away time in the equation the rate and speed would be so great the pipe would explode at an equal amount of energy as there is in the universe. We don't want that to happen hahah ! So time steeps in and keeps it all at a safe point of conversion!
No funny maths here is there, and no other laws at play and if there is an over charge than the space between the negative and positive pressure in the atmosphere will also collapse causing sparks hahaha ... Again this is due to time or the collapse of time !
The 2 cups represent 2 electrons and they are pulled together from the emitting conductor and its speed of reaction is kept constant by time ! Time will make the free electrons in between the 2 cups heavier and there for at the constant of the speed of light . So now we value time as gravity and equal to the mass within it ! The more the mass the slower the time the more the charge the more time is created and the heavier the mass becomes!
So the truth is simple when we include time ! And now we value time as neutral and constant energy and it is proven by that very fact that the universe is here. So next time you attempt to value electricity remember that with out time there would be no electricity.