Consider a forced, damped harmonic oscillator
$$\ddot{\phi} + 2\beta \dot{\phi} + \omega_0^2 \phi = j(t) \, .\tag{1}$$
If I pick a sinusoidal driving force $j(t) = A \cos(\Omega t)$, I find
$$\phi(t) = \text{Re} \left[ e^{-i \Omega t} \frac{-A}{\Omega^2 - \omega_0^2 + 2i\beta \Omega} \right] \, .\tag{2}$$
From here, how do I define the "resonance"? Is it the point where $\langle \phi(t)^2 \rangle$ is maximized?
Things I do know: The frequency at which $\langle \phi(t)^2 \rangle$ is maximized is $$\omega_r ~:=~ \omega_0 \sqrt{1 - 2(\beta/\omega_0)^2},\tag{3}$$ but I thought I read/heard that the resonance frequency of a damped oscillator is just $\omega_0$.
I also calculated that the free oscillation frequency is $$\omega_{\text{free}} ~:=~ \omega_0 \sqrt{1 - (\beta / \omega_0)^2},\tag{4}$$ but I don't think that's the same thing as the resonance frequency under steady driving.