i'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around special relativity, so i'd like to explain what I think is going on, to see whether or not I have understood.
The question i'm thinking about is this;
Can a person, in principle, travel from Earth to the galactic centre (which is about 28000 ly distant) in a normal lifetime? Explain using both time-dilation and length-contraction arguments. What constant velocity would be needed to make the trip in 30 years?
I assume that I have a very fast space ship, capable of travelling at $0.9c$. The person on board the space ship, I am considering to be in the rest frame. I imagine this 28,000 light year distance to be like a ruler in space. Relative to the spaceship, the ruler is moving at $0.9c$ and so length contraction will be observed.
$$l = l_{0} \sqrt{1 - \frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}} $$
Which works out to be $\approx 12,205$ ly
Now, is this the actual distance the spacecraft must cover to get to the galactic center?
i.e relative to the spacecraft, it will take $\frac{l}{0.9}$ years to get there?