Here, Gauss law is a special case of Maxwells electrostatic equation $$\nabla \cdot \vec E =\rho$$ at a conducting surface with constant potential U along the two tangent directions, yielding $$\vec n \times \vec E = \vec n \times \nabla U = 0$$ for a vector $\vec n$ normal to any surface geometry. The normal component $(\vec n \cdot \vec E)(out-in)$ yields the surface charge density, because $E(in)=0$ inside a conductor in the absence of currents.
I order to determine the potential, the electric field and the surface charge, one needs a solution of the Laplace equation with monopole character of a point charge at infinity and constant value on the torus surface.
One may consult Moon/Spence 'A Field Theory Handbook', or use the state of art e.g. in Mathematica, in order to get a separable coordinate system for the Laplacian, that has a family of concentric torus surfaces.
toroidalTransforms =
CoordinateTransformData[ ][[First /@
Position[CoordinateTransformData[ ], "Toroidal", \[Infinity]]]];
(Cases[#, "Cartesian", \[Infinity]] =!= {} &)]
(Cases[#, "Cartesian", \[Infinity]] =!= {} &)]
{{"Cartesian" -> {"Toroidal", {\[FormalA]}}, "Euclidean", 3},
{{"Toroidal", {\[FormalA]}} -> "Cartesian", "Euclidean", 3}}
{\[FormalA]}} -> "Cartesian", "Euclidean", 3} , "Properties"]
Set @@@
({ {X[R_, u_, \[Eta]_, \[Phi]_], Y[R_, u_, \[Eta]_, \[Phi]_],
Z[R_, u_, \[Eta]_, \[Phi]_]} ,
CoordinateTransformData[{{"Toroidal", {R}} -> "Cartesian",
"Euclidean", 3} , "Mapping", {u, \[Eta], \[Phi]}] }\[Transpose])
$$X=\left.\frac{R \sinh (u) \cos (\phi )}{\cosh (u)-\cos (\eta )},\quad Y=\frac{R \sinh (u) \sin (\phi )}{\cosh (u)-\cos (\eta )},\quad Z=\frac{R \sin (\eta )}{\cosh (u)-\cos (\eta )}\right.$$
The Laplacian is, as always in a orthogonal system with scale factors $h_i$,
$$\Delta =\sum_i \frac{1}{\prod_k h_k^2} \ \partial_i
\left( \frac{1}{h_i} \prod_k{ h_k^2}\ \frac{1}{h_i}\partial_i\right) $$
yields the following form of the Laplacian, applied to
$$\Delta _{u,\eta ,\phi } \left(H(\eta ) U(u) \sqrt{\cosh (u)-\cos (\eta )}\right)$$
$$\frac{(\cosh (u)-\cos (\eta ))^{-5/2} \Delta _{u,\eta ,\phi } \left(H(\eta ) U(u) \sqrt{\cosh (u)-\cos (\eta )}\right)}{H(\eta ) U(u)}$$
1/(U[u] H[\[Eta]]) (-Cos[\[Eta]] + Cosh[u])^(-5/2)
Sqrt[Cosh[u] - Cos[\[Eta]]] U[u] H[\[Eta]], {u, \[Eta], \[Phi]},
"Toroidal" ] /. {\[FormalA] -> R, f_[u, __] -> f} //
FullSimplify // Numerator
$$\frac{4 H''(\eta )}{H(\eta )}+\frac{4 \left(U''(u)+\coth (u) U'(u)\right)}{U(u)}+1$$
The $\phi,\theta$-dependence is discarded in order to yield solutions of the separated ODE'S constant over all of a given torus as boundary with Dirichlet condition 1.
The remaining equation yields the solution according to Mathematica
$$\sqrt{\frac{1}{\cosh (u)+1}} K\left(\frac{2}{\cosh (u)+1}\right)$$
This is identical with Moon/Spencer by the identity for the elliptic integral $K$ and the Legendre functions of index -1/2
$$ \mathit P_{-1/2}(x) =\frac{2 K\left(\frac{1-x}{2}\right)}{\pi } $$
Resubstitution of the square root factor $1/\sqrt{\cosh u - \cos \eta}$ and determination of the normal derivative at the torus surface is an easy exercise. Its clear, that the result is independent of the surface coordinates $\theta,\ \phi$, but in cartesian coordinates, the surface element yields a $\theta$-dependence of the area density.
This result is general and merely a restatement of Gauss law: In local, tangent space orthonormal, coordinate system, the potential is constant along tangents and linear in normal direction, yielding the the charge density as in the case of a capacitor.