I was watching this two videos from youtube.
One is a documentary about Chernobyl disaster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5vlk_d6hrc
Another is a random personal video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejZyDvtX85Y
I was greatly impressed by the people in this videos. In the first video a major (probably on duty in Chernobyl) is assisting the guy doing the documentary to show him around (Chernobyl and near abandoned city Pripyat). He is seemingly walking and touching radioactive stuff (suits of the firefighters in that day lying in the Pripyat hospital, metals near plant 4, used cars etc.) The radioactive counter is beeping heavily, sometimes reaching 400 mSV. They were not using any suits.
In the next video, someone pulled radioactive fuel from Chernobyl (tiny rod fragment), took it home and examined it with bare hands.
They seem to have no idea. Is walking around Charnobyl, touching and staying near stuff that are highly radioactive dangerous? Even touching nuclear fuel with bare hands? How can someone go into the hospital room where those firefighters were remedied? Isn't that extremely dangerous? How come the suits are just lying there? Shouldn't they be decontaminated or something?
This random videos in the youtube also raise another question. In terms of mSV (that seems to be the unit for radioactivity for cheap detectors, so please don't explain with other units, e.g. Sievert, Gy, Rontgen etc), how much is bad? Those people in the Pripyat hospital were exposed to 400+ mSV with no suits? Is Chernobyl safe now to visit and wonder around ?