Consider the following nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE): $$A_t+iA_{xx}+i|A|^2A = 0, \tag{1}$$ where $A$ is a complex valued function of $(x,t)$.
A solution to this equation is $$A=a_oe^{-ia_o^2t}.\tag{2}$$ We investigate the stability of these solutions by considering a perturbation to the above solution of the form $$a_oe^{-it} (1+\alpha_+e^{i(kx-\Omega t)}+\alpha_-e^{-i(kx-\Omega t)})\tag{3},$$ for constants $(\alpha_+,\alpha_-, k,\Omega).$
Putting this back into the NLSE and collecting terms of order $\alpha_{\pm}$, we find a system of equations $$ \left( \begin{array}{cc} a_o^2-k^2-\Omega & a_o^2 \\ a_o^2 & a_o^2-k^2+\Omega \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} \alpha_+ \\ \alpha_- \end{array} \right) = 0.\tag{4}$$
This has non-trivial solution when the determinant of the matrix is zero, which is the condition that $$\Omega^2 = k^2(k^2-2a_o^2) \tag{5},$$ which takes on imaginary values (ie leads to unstable growth) when $$k < \sqrt{2} a_o.\tag{6}$$ (Note: The way the problem has been non-dimensionalized, all of the parameters (eg $k,a_o$) are unitless.) This has maximal growth rate $$\mathrm{Im}(\Omega_*) = a_o^2\tag{7}$$ for $k_* = a_o$.
Now, this is equivalent to the so called Benjamin-Feir (or modulation instability) inherent to a variety of physical systems (eg water waves, lasers). Next, recall that the NLSE can be derived from a Hamiltonian density ${\cal H}$, where $${\cal H} = |A_x|^2 - \frac{1}{2} |A|^4,\tag{8}$$ and Hamilton's equations take the form $$i\frac{\partial A}{\partial t} = \frac{\delta {\cal H}}{\delta A^{\ast}}\tag{9}$$ and the complex conjugate of this.
My question is, is there anything in the structure of this Hamiltonian that can give us the results of the spectral stability analysis in a different manner? Naively, I want to know if I can deduce the instability criteria and the growth rate directly from the structure of the Hamiltonian.
I am vaguely aware of certain stability criterion used in the study of the stability of Hamiltonian systems (eg Krein signatures etc), but am not familiar with how it works in practice (and in particular in this relatively simple example) and would greatly appreciate any tips, or references to relevant resources.