A hoop of radius $b$ and mass $m$ rolls without slipping within a stationary circular hole of radius $a > b$ and is subject to gravity. Use the generalized coordinates the rotation angle $\phi$ of the hoop and the angular position of the hoop’s center $\theta$. We have the rolling without slipping constraint $$b\phi - a\theta=0.$$ The Lagrangian of the system is $$L=\frac{1}{2}m(a-b)^2\dot{\theta}^2+\frac{1}{2}mb^2\dot{\phi}^2+mg(a-b)\cos\theta.$$ The Euler-Lagrange equations with Lagrange multiplier are $$m(a-b)^2\ddot{\theta}+mg(a-b)\sin\theta=\lambda a, mb^2\ddot{\phi}=-\lambda b$$ Solving for an equation of motion of $\theta$, we have $$(2a^2-2ab+b^2)\ddot{\theta}+g(a-b)\sin\theta=0.$$ My questions are
- how to find the generalized constraint force that makes the hoop roll without slipping?
- how to find the constraint force that keeps the hoop’s CM moving on a circular path?