If you want to transfer energy using the electromagnetic interaction, you really have three choices:
- Use a directed stream of photons: microwave, focused light, maybe laser. This is a "far field" solution, you need to efficiently couple energy into the electromagnetic field. You either need properly designed antennas, or efficient light sources, and good optics. This case, you use electromagnetic radiation as a mean to transfer energy.
- Use magnetic induction. This is a "near field" solution, and you don't want to efficiently couple with the electromagnetic field, because you want to avoid the energy from being radiated. Therefore you need to apply coils or at least some conductor that carries alternating current, and it must be much smaller than a proper antenna would be at that frequency. Note that the magnetic field in this case is much stronger than the electric field around the conductor. (High current, low voltage. Thick copper, silver plated stuff, superconductors ;) )
- Use capacitive coupling. This is also a near field solution, but in this case, you use the electric field around/inside a capacitor. This case, most energy will go into the electric field, and very little into the magnetic field. (High voltage, low current. Insulation, big sparks, corona discharges, standing hair, smell of ozone ;) )
So if you use electromagnetic radiation, you need to turn energy into photons, concentrate them, and catch them at the target location.
If you use one of the near field solutions, you want to avoid transmitting (that would be lost power and possibly interference).
The radiating solution would allow very long range transmission. With a strong laser array, you can go very far, but with probably poor efficiency.
The near field solution offers good efficiency: one extreme example is a transformer, where the energy transfer is almost perfect. But the range is necessarily small.
See the problem is with the near-field solution is that you have to pump an awfully lot of energy into a changing magnetic/electric field, while keeping it very small.
The problem with that is energy can be decoupled a lot of ways from that. If you put any metallic object / an object with high dielectric loss (for a magnetic / electric type of near field transmitter), it will easily get warm, or even melt/burn.
Just consider how a microwave oven or an inductive heater works.
So no canned solution for you :) Question is: how far you need to transmit, and how much power do you need?