I've been thinking about Newton's third law lately because I couldn't understand a few things and I think I actually answered my own question. Could someone confirm if my reasoning is right or show me my mistakes?
So the question is: If force and reaction force are always the same, and less mass means greater acceleration, how can I actually push heavier objects? Then I got my idea of an answer that I will try to show with a picture:
I exert $F_{\text{action}}$ force on a Box (much heavier than me) and an equal $F_{\text{reaction}}$ is exerted on me in the opposite direction, but $F_{\text{action}}$ is caused by the $F_{\text{muscle}}$ force which is exerted on me and has the same direction as $F_{\text{action}}$
The box changes position but I don't change position myself because $F_{\text{muscle}}$ still acts and prevents it.
Step 1 is repeated and that way I can push much heavier objects.
(I am sorry that box looks little different in every step. It was hand-drawn - the box in steps 2 and 3 is meant to be in the same position)
So can someone confirm if that reasoning is right or wrong? Also do the $F_{\text{muscle}}$ and $F_{\text{action}}$ force have the same value in the 1st step?