I am an electronics engineering major and some questions arise when studying communications technology that utilizes wireless technology. In particular, I am more of a complete picture kind of person, as such I like to see how various things are connected. I want to understand, at least on the surface level, how the following things are connected: Phonons, photons, electrons, charge fields.
As far as I understand things you have phonons. These are quasi-particles representing the quantized energy packets of vibrations through a lattice structure. This seems intuitive enough, and after some further reading I see that photons can be spontaneously emitted from photon interactions resulting from absorption and re-emission of the quantized energy of the phonons. I assume the photon emission frequency/energy is directly related to the energy of the phonon. I believe that photons can also cause phonons when a photon is incident to a lattice structure, though I am not 100% on the details of this.
Photons are actual particles of quantized packets of energy propagating through the EM field medium. As to what exactly constitutes the EM field I am not sure. I believe magnetic fields are due to electrons? I also believe that electrons have an electric field due to the inherent charge electrons pose? However, I believe the charges reach/influence is based on the inverse square law. As such, is the electromagnetic field simply composed on the electron charges as the medium? If this is the case, then how can the EM field be so far reaching?
I apologize for the large amount of questions, and I am sure there are similar questions around, but none that seem to tie all of these things together.
EDIT: To add, am I correct to assume the EM Field is modeled as a continuous distribution of charge, as such the inverse square charge distance is a non-factor? And to answer one of the comments in the question, I have taken classes on partial differential equations, but my physics did not require them, thus I have only indirectly utilized Maxwell's Equations. I assume those will help connect a few of my questions mathematically, so I'll be sure to take a look at those.