As John Rennie already put it, Hawking radiation is an semi-classical effect derived by treating the spacetime classically, including the source terms if any, and quantizing fields in the curved background. In addition general relativity has problems with distributional sources, so it is not clear how to treat elementary particles in this case. So one cannot proceed with Hawking's arguments in the case you describe.
Nevertheless, one can try to think of it in very qualitative terms. You relate the Compton lenght with Schwarzschild radius, but remember that in general the particle should have spin, and as you already put it, some charge. Considering only electromagnetical interactions we know that a black hole should be described by the Kerr-Newman metric, that is defined by three parameters: mass $M$, angular momentum $J$ and charge $Q$. For the metric to describe a black hole the parameters must satisfy the inequality $Q^2 +(J/M)^2\leq M^2$, otherwise we have a naked singularity. Curiously all known elementary particles in the standard model (with the exception of the Higgs boson) violate the aforementioned inequality, and therefore naively GR ascribe to then the metric of a naked singularity, assuming of course that the neglected weak and strong charges do not alter this radically.
As for the Higgs boson it is (un)fortunate that charged scalar fields violate uniqueness results for black holes, so we really can't say much about it. In any case what I wished to bring forth with this discussion is that you cannot look only at the relation between Compton lenght and Schwarzschild radius, but must consider the part that spin and the charges have to play in this. In particular if you think this argument has some sense you recognize that in the presence of charge and spin you need an even larger mass to be in the black hole side of the inequality, and therefore you go even further (that is to larger curvatures) from the case discussed in Hawking effect. This goes to show how far we are from being able to tackle this problem with any confidence.