The FRW metric at the origin $r=0$ is simply given by: $$ds^2 = -dt^2 + a^2(t)\ dr^2$$ Setting $dt=0$ gives us an element of proper distance $ds$ given by: $$ds = a(t)\ dr$$ Thus we get the well known result that space expands with the scale factor.
Setting $dr=0$ gives us the relationship between an element of proper time $d\tau$ and an element of co-ordinate time $dt$ (using $d\tau^2 = - ds^2$): $$d\tau = dt$$
Thus we get the well known result that for a co-moving observer proper time is the same as co-ordinate time.
However there is one more relation one can derive. We can set $ds=0$. We then obtain a relationship between an element of co-ordinate time $dt$ and an element of co-ordinate separation $dr$ : $$dt = a(t)\ dr$$
Surely this relationship implies that elements of co-ordinate time $dt$ (and thus proper time $d\tau$ for a co-moving observer) expand with the scale factor in the same way that elements of proper distance expand with the scale factor?