I'm having trouble understanding how some conclusions are made in my book. I'm studying from a coursebook based on Goldstein's "Classical Mechanics", here's what's written in my book, with my problems under each section:
Assume a system with conservative forces and holonomic, time independent constraints, described by $n$ generalized coordinates $q_k$.
The Lagrangian is $L=T-V$, with the kinetic energy:$T=\sum_{kl}\dot q_k\dot q_l (\sum_i \frac{1}{2}m_i\frac{\partial\vec r_i}{\partial q_k}.\frac{\partial\vec r_i}{\partial q_l}) = \sum_{k,l}\frac{1}{2}m_{kl}(q1,...,q_n)\dot q_k \dot q_l$
- I understand how to get the first part, but I don't understand the second equality. What is meant by "$m_{kl}$"?
a polynomial of the second degree in the generalized velocities. The potential energy $V(q_1, ..., q_n)$ only depends on the generalized coordinates.The system has a point of equilibrium ($q_k^0=q_1^0, ... q_n^0$) when all generalized forces are $0$ in this point:
$Q_k=-(\frac{\partial V}{\partial q_k})_0=0$
If the system is in a point of equilibrium at a certain starting time, with the starting velocities $0$, then the system will remain in that point of equilibrium. In other words: $q_k(t)=q_k^0$ is the solution to the Lagrange equations
$\sum_l m_{kl}\ddot q_l+\sum_l\sum_m\frac{\partial m_{kl}}{\partial{q_m}}\dot q_l\dot q_m=\sum_{lm}\frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial m_{lm}}{\partial q_k}\dot q_l \dot q_m -\frac{\partial V}{\partial q_k}$
with these initial conditions.
- This last equation I don't understand at all, I know what the Lagrange equation is but when filling it in I don't see how you would get this result.