I will try to give a most comprehensive physical explanation of why light slows down inside a transparent medium like glass and why this slow down in speed is only apparent and the speed of photons inside the medium remain fixed at c, the speed of light in a vacuum, travelling through the vacuum space between the atoms of the glass.
For many years physicists are troubled in physically explaining of why light slows down going from air, refractive index n1~1 to a denser transparent medium like glass, n2~1.5, but with the speed of photons propagating through the medium (glass) still at a fixed speed c?
There are many different explanations given, both classical or quantum [1][2] some are correct and others wrong but I find that they all fail to completely physically and intuitively explain the phenomenon.
Feynman characterizes this drop of the speed of light as apparent [3]:
“Our problem is to understand how the apparently slower velocity comes about”.
I will try herein to give a different physical explanation which compiles however with what we know about light and matter. Before we do that however we have to distinguish between the concepts of phase velocity and group velocity of light in a transparent medium like air, water or glass.
Figure 1 Group velocity vs. Phase velocity for a laser pulse
Simply, as shown in fig.1, the phase velocity is derived from the time it takes the front of a laser pulse (i.e. length of pulse can be few mm), to reach the destination target whereas the group velocity is the actual velocity by which each point of the laser pulse moves through space with all the points having the same speed namely the group velocity. When we refer to the speed of photons c=3x10E8 m/s in the laser pulse we refer only to the group velocity with each point of the laser pulse being a photon. When we refer to the whole laser pulse we can choose either its group velocity or its phase velocity. Keep this descriptions and definitions in mind since they will become important to explain the phenomenon later on.
Also the other point important to understand is that at the quantum scale level there is nothing rigid or solid but a complex sea of interacting fields (QFT) of electromagnetic flux and electromagnetic flux waves as field distortions similar to distortions inside water as a rough analogy.
Another point is the although the bare photon is regarded in the literature as a dimensionless point its actual physical shape when inside a condensed matter medium is dressed with a field o electromagnetic flux energy resembling strongly not a point but a small sphere. The size of the dressed photon spherical field varies according to its wavelength. Larger wavelengths translate to larger size dressed photon spheres and short wavelength to small size dressed photon spheres.
In fig.2 we demonstrate and explain physically the whole phenomenon using a green laser pulse. Wavelength of photons in green laser is λ=630nm on air, represented as the perimeter size of the green spheres shown in fig.1. Laser pulse length is a few mm represented as the length of the red line in fig.1. Fig.1 is not to be scaled:
Figure 2 Photons traveling at fixed group velocity c inside the transparent medium like glass, are shank in size (i.e. wavelength) therefore the total length but also phase velocity of the laser pulse is reduced by 40% compared to the group velocity of the photons.
As best explained and illustrated in fig.2, the photons transitioning from the much less dense matter field of air to the much more dense matter field of glass as indicated accordingly by their refraction index, undergo a wavelength reduction and shrink in size by 40%. Therefore, their phase velocity and also total length of the laser pulse and its phase velocity are effectively reduced by the same amount 40%.
Using a rough analogy for example, it is like in the case of a sprinter horse (in analogy to the laser pulse) running a very relative short lane to the finish line, just after passing the starting line suddenly shrinks in size and although its speed is unchanged it has now to travel more distance until its front cuts the finish line. Therefore, its time to finish increases thus its effective phase velocity recorded has decreased compared to its actual speed running thus its group velocity.
There are two last points to cover to explain to complete our explanation of the phenomenon.
There are some views expressed by others that the photon will strongly interact with the atoms of the glass causing phenomena like scattering, absorption-reemission etc.
This is however not supported by our everyday life experience. The laser beam comes straight right through, out of the glass with negligible loss in intensity and without any spreading of the beam. These have been dismissed by us but also others 4 5 . The 600 nm in size green light photon in the case of visible light shown in fig.2 does not interact with the ~100 picometers Si atoms of the glass (photon is 6,000 larger than the atom) and cuts right through them, traveling through the vacuum space between atoms at fixed speed group velocity c. A minimum giggling in the atom’s field is of course present by the passing of the photon and recorded as a moving relative small distortion in the matter field of the glass.
The next point we have to clarify is that according to the following equation:
$$V_{P}=\lambda f$$
But also what it is known in physics, that the frequency f of the photons (i.e. number of photons passing by per unit of time, thus, how intense the laser beam pulse is) of the laser pulse (see fig.1) will not be affected by the different two media shown in fig.2 and will remain unchanged. This is illustrated in fig.2, where separation distance of the photons in the air and in the glass remains the same as shown. Therefore the reduction of the total length of the laser pulse and consequently the reduction in the phase velocity $V_{P}$ are directly proportional, only to the reduction of the wavelength λ, size of the photon.
Other researchers suggest that the photon is not a massless particle anymore when it passes through a dense matter field like that of glass and becomes something different called polariton [4] which has mass and therefore would slow down its group velocity lower than c. Offered as an alternative explanation of a deformed photon (i.e. polariton) actually having a group velocity less than c. Although this quasiparticles are real in some semiconductor materials I dismiss this explanation regarding transparent matter like glass, since this would also suggest a stronger interaction of the laser beam on its path with the atoms in the glass which we don’t observe since a continuous laser beam comes out practically unchanged in its characteristics, frequency, intensity and thickness. This is very evident at 0° incident angle of the beam to the glass where there is no refraction present and photon’s electric and magnetic vectors are uniformly compressed.