In Srednicki's QFT book, eq. $14.27$ is a result used over and over again for computing loop correction. It is the following integral evaluated in terms of gamma functions:
$$ \int d^dq \frac{(q^2)^a}{(q^2+D)^b} = \frac {\Gamma (b-a-\frac{1}{2}d)\Gamma (a+\frac{1}{2}d)} {(4\pi)^{d/2}\Gamma(b)\Gamma(\frac{1}{2}d)} D^{-(b-a-d/2)} $$
Where $q$ is a $d$-dimensional vector, and $q^2$ denotes the square of its norm. I want to know how to obtain the above result.
Since $q^2$ is the only variable in the integrand, we can use hyper-spherical coordinates, where the integral is non-trivial only for the radial component. The factor from the angular components is the volume of the unit $d$-sphere: $$\frac {2\pi^{d/2}}{\Gamma(d/2)}$$ Then the above expression is then a equation for the radial component, let's call it $r$: $$ \int dr \frac{r^{(2a+d-1)}}{(r^2+D)^b} = \frac {\Gamma (b-a-\frac{1}{2}d)\Gamma (a+\frac{1}{2}d)} {(8\pi)^{d}\Gamma(b)} D^{-(b-a-d/2)} $$ Where the extra $r^{d-1}$ in the numerator comes from the volume element of the $n$-sphere. I would like to know how to obtain this result.