I need to implement a random force in my code according to the fluctuation dissipation theorem. I have a Gaussian distribution function ready width average 0 and distribution 1 and I know I need to multiply it by something but I'm not sure what. The fluctuation dissipation theorem gives (in one dimension):
$\left \langle A (t_1) A (t_2) \right \rangle = 2 m \gamma k_B T \delta (t_1 - t_2 )$
I can't convince my self if I should multiply my Gaussian with my $\sqrt{dt}$ or divide by it. I can find justification for both direction:
- The force should act like delta function (no correlation between times) hence, I should divide by it.
- The units are ok when multiplying by $\sqrt{dt}$.
- The larger the time step, the more collision happened hence the force should be larger.
I remember that in some place I read or heared I should divide by the $\sqrt{dt}$ but I couldn't find where.
I should note that I tried both approach, when I divide I suspect the forces to be too large (I only see noise) and when I multiply, I almost can't see any random effect.