
Consider a spherically symmetric distribution of density $\rho(r)$. We can define the mass enclosed within each radius $r$ using $\frac{dM(r)}{dr} = 4\pi r^2 \rho(r)$, with the condition that $M(r=0) = 0$.

The gravitational acceleration and potential can then be given as,

$$\begin{align} a_g &= -\frac{GM}{r^2}\\ \Phi_g &= -\frac{GM}{r}. \end{align}$$

But then the acceleration wouldn't seem to be the gradient of the potential!

$$a_g = - \frac{GM}{r^2} \neq -\nabla \Phi_g = \frac{d}{dr}\left(\frac{GM(r)}{r}\right).$$

What am I missing?

This comes up, for example when writing the equations of stellar structure, or the Lane-Emden equations. I've seen these written as both,

$\frac{1}{\rho}\frac{dP}{dr} = -\frac{GM}{r^2}$, and as
$\frac{1}{\rho}\frac{dP}{dr} = -\nabla \Phi_g$

for example, the Wikipedia article on Lane-Emden includes both of these expressions. This seems to suggest that $\Phi_g \neq \frac{GM(r)}{r}$...

  • $\begingroup$ I suspect that the potential in the linked article on Lane-Emden is not literally the gravitational potential, but rather is an effective potential that can be used to describe that type of system. $\endgroup$
    – Dave
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 20:26
  • $\begingroup$ @Dave: I started reading the Lane-Emden artice, and the potential $\Phi$ used there does appear to be the gravitational potential. In essence, Lane-Emden is just the combination of Laplace's equation $\Delta\Phi=4\pi G\rho$ (which is universally valid), Newton's law $-\rho\nabla\Phi=\nabla P$ (which is valid in a gravitating fluid), the polytropic constitutive relation $P=C\rho^k$ (which is an approximation), and spherical symmetry. The polytropic assumption allows you to eliminate $P$, resulting in a differential equation solely in $\rho$. $\endgroup$ Commented May 1, 2014 at 14:53

1 Answer 1


Actually, your expression for the potential $\Phi(r)$ is incorrect. The expression $\Phi(r) = -\frac{GM(r)}{r}$ is only valid outside the sphere.

As an explicit demonstration of its invalidity, note that $$\underset{r\rightarrow0}{\text{lim}}\,\Phi(r)=\underset{r\rightarrow0}{\text{lim}}\,\left[-\frac{G}{r}\int_0^r4\pi r'^2\rho(r')\,dr'\right]=0$$ assuming that $\rho(r)$ is finite. In particular, this also predicts that $\Phi(0)=0$ for a uniform-density sphere. However, for a uniform density sphere, we actually have $\Phi(0)=-2\pi G\rho R^2$ (using the convention $\Phi(\infty)=0$).

Actual Potential Inside Distribution

The gravitational potential $\Phi_r(a)$ at radius $a$ due to a thin spherical shell of radius $r$ with surface density $\rho(r)$ is

$$\Phi_r(a)=\left\{\begin{aligned} &-\frac{4\pi G r^2\rho(r)}{a} &&: a>r\\ &-4\pi G \rho(r) r &&: a\leq r \end{aligned} \right.$$

and thus the correct expression for the potential due to an arbitrary spherically-symmetric charge distribution $\rho(r)$ becomes


If $\rho(r)=0$ for all $r\geq R$, then we can rewrite the integral as $$\Phi(a)=\int_0^R\Phi_r(a)\,dr=\left\{\begin{aligned} &\int_0^R-\frac{4\pi G r^2\rho(r)}{a}\,dr &&: a>r\\ &\int_0^a-\frac{4\pi G r^2\rho(r)}{a}\,dr+\int_a^R-4\pi G \rho(r) r\,dr &&: a\leq r \end{aligned} \right. \\ =\left\{\begin{aligned} &-\frac{GM(R)}{a} &&: a>r\\ &-\frac{GM(a)}{a}+\int_a^R-4\pi G \rho(r) r\,dr &&: a\leq r \end{aligned} \right..$$

In essence, your expression for potential was missing the term $\int_a^R-4\pi G \rho(r) r\,dr$, which caused the errors you saw.

Finally, answering your question

We then compute the gradient, $\nabla\Phi(a)$, using the $a\leq R$ case for $\Phi$ listed above. In Mathematica this easily becomes:

-D[Integrate[-((4*G*Pi*r^2*\[Rho][r])/a), {r, 0, a}] + 
       {r, a, R}], a]//TeXForm

yielding $$a_g(a)=-\nabla\Phi(a)=-\int_0^a \frac{4 \pi G r^2 \rho (r)}{a^2} \, dr=-\frac{GM(a)}{a^2},$$ exactly as you wanted.

Lane-Emden in a nutshell

In essence, Lane-Emden is just the combination of Poisson's equation $\Delta\Phi=4\pi G\rho$ (which is universally valid), Newton's law $\rho\nabla\Phi=\nabla P$ (which is valid in a gravitating fluid), the polytropic constitutive relation $P=C\rho^k$ (which is an approximation), and spherical symmetry. The polytropic assumption allows you to eliminate $P$, resulting in a differential equation solely in $\rho$.

(Minor note: Lane-Emden is commonly expressed in a dimensionless parameter $\theta$, rather than $\rho$ itself.)

  • $\begingroup$ Interesting. This makes a lot of sense. So, to find the potential I must integrate in from infinity? $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 20:28
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @zhermes: You can integrate from anywhere in theory, you just have to be careful. I suspect that the key misunderstanding you have is the following: given a hollow sphere, what is the potential inside? The answer is not zero. In particular, the expression $\Phi(r)=-GM(r)/r$ predicts a zero potential inside of a thin hollow shell of radius $R$ (since there is no mass for $r<R$). But this is wrong. In essence, the shell theorem only says that forces due to spherically symmetric matter outside the current radius are 0. It does not say that the potential due to outside matter is zero. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 20:33
  • $\begingroup$ You can shift around the zero of a potential function all you want, so this argument is unconvincing. $\endgroup$
    – Dave
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 20:43
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @zhermes Potential differences can be integrated from anywhere. To get the potential directly from the integral without a correction term you integrate it from where it is defined. In the case of the usual gravitational potential that definition is zero at infinite remove. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 21:49
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Dave: You can shift the zero, but the definition of potential for a uniform density sphere that I cited uses the convention $\Phi(\infty)=0$. Since the OP's function also satisfies $\Phi(\infty)=0$, if it is correct, then it will also reproduce the statement $\Phi(0)=-2\pi G\rho R^2$. However, it does not, instead satisfying $\Phi(0)=0$. Therefore, the OP's expression for $\Phi$ must be incorrect. Is that convincing? I can edit my answer to include this additional subtlety if you think it makes it clearer. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 22:09

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