Did some of the aplha particles back trace their path after hitting the gold foil ? (Turn by 180 degrees.)
If so, how were they detected ?
Did some of the aplha particles back trace their path after hitting the gold foil ? (Turn by 180 degrees.)
If so, how were they detected ?
Rutherford's experiment looked much like this:
As you can see, the incoming alpha particles hit the gold foil and could scatter in multiple directions, but the detector went around the whole foil (sparing some small region so that the alpha particles could enter the experiment) so even back scattered particles would be detected.
Rutherford's law is that the number of scintillations would depend on the scattering angle $\phi$, measured with respect to the incoming trajectory, according to $\sin^{-4}{\phi/2}$. If $\phi=$ 0° (180° according to your way of measuring it), $\sin^{-4}{\phi/2}$ is undefined.